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Fundación Cuerpo Sur seeks to collaborate with national artists and collectives in order to develop an associative link with young creators, which facilitates the processes of relating with professionals in the cultural field, managing instances for contact between artists of various origins and international artistic programmers.


The portfolio of projects represented by Cuerpo Sur in performing arts markets consists of:

Malicho Vaca


Artist with a theatre career of 15 years, he first dabble on dramaturgy and direction during his training as an actor. Since then, there have been six works of authorship and one in the process of development. Some of the topics addressed are: sexual diversity, gender and human rights, crossed by research of Latin American narrative, memory, biography and technological tools.



Through a delicate and seductive use of digital platforms, Mauro digs into his personal biography and at the same time into the city’s biography, in a recent memory and at the same time deep scars.

It is an experience that focuses on magical and unique places, revealing an emotional topography, a relationship with the city that is always different for everyone, but in which we inevitably find each other. In Reminiscencia, there's bet for a new genre with a signature research of
his own.


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Colectivo Cómo se recuerda un crimen (?) Collective How to remember a crime (?)  


Transdisciplinary collective made up of five Chilean creators, who have been carrying out research and artistic creation projects on topics such as memory, territory and history since 2019. The artists intersect the performing disciplines, architecture, sound art and design, to give body to the investigations into historical crimes and the contemporary review of these. They have carried out three site-specific projects: "Villa San Luis" within the framework of the Teatro Niño Proletario Accompaniment Program, "UNCTAD III" in co-production with the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center and "Río Mapocho" financed by the Ministry of Arts, Cultures and Heritage.





How many crime has the Mapocho river witnessed? How many crimes has it suffered? This site-specific work is an invitation to reconnect with the river that crosses the city of Santiago.

The river determined that the Mapocho valley was a meeting point between cultures, of settlement, of home, of the sacred, of violence; a disputed territory. The work does a review of the pre-Hispanic past, colonization, the modern city, the dictatorship, the recent past and the present. The experience is a walk along the banks of the Mapocho River, which requires a cell phone, headphones, and the Izzi Travel App (free) to listen to the audio-tours that will guide the work. Attendees will be given a fanzine that is part of this collective expertise.


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Juan Pablo Corvalán


Artistic Director, Bachelor of Arts in Theatre performance from the University of Chile. He works professionally as an actor, circus artist, director and cultural manager. His work is focused on exploration from a multidisciplinary practice and staging research.

La conquista de lo inútil 1.png
La conquista de lo inútil 2.png



A man in a warehouse prepares for a trip, gathers and prepares his things, searches around and finds objects and with it sensations that make him wander. You can’t tell if he's coming from a trip, if he dreams of it. Or if he's about to leave. If he is the storage unit's guard or if he lives there, it looks like an astronaut or skydiver.  From boredom, he'll discover what he need and lose himself in it. Parachutes will be seen, huge flying plastics that will open the door to a dream universe, where movement and objects will take on more and more prominence, inviting you to ask yourself about the ways you live and manage relationships.


Josefina Cerda Puga


Josefina Cerda Puga es performer, artista escénica y diseñadora de sonido. Su trabajo explora la relación entre cuerpo, sexualidad, archivo, sonido y fantasía, con un enfoque en prácticas interdisciplinarias y reflexiones sobre el placer y el amor.
Actualmente es productora de la Fundación Cuerpo Sur y colabora con los colectivos artísticos Complejo Conejo, Cómo se Recuerda un Crimen, Cuerpo Sur, Radioafectiva y Teatro del Sonido.

Magister en Teoría e Historias del Arte, Diplomada en Arte Sonoro, Diplomada en Archivística, Licenciada en Artes mención Actuación Teatral

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Feral es una performance vocal-sonora que versa sobre los procesos de sexualizacion, objetualizacion y empoderamiento del propio placer. A lo largo de 30 minutos, la performer propone una narración sobre su historia desde una infancia hipersexualizada hasta una adultez donde el placer encuentra nuevas vías de exploración en la dominación, el trabajo sexual y el bdsm.

La escena ocurre un ambiente de intimidad con un set de grabación y reproducción de sonido en vivo y otras tecnologias del sexo que acompañarán el relato.


Cecilia Yañez Ortíz


Directora, performer, investigadora y actriz licenciada en artes de la Universidad de Chile. Ha participado e impulsado proyectos que abordan lo documental y el uso de archivo en experiencias escénicas, tejiendo temáticas como feminismo, ciencia, memoria y ciudad,  dialogando con lenguajes que vienen de la arquitectura, cine, artes visuales y arte sonoro. Actualmente también trabaja como productora para la Fundación Cuerpo Sur y el Festival de artes vivas Ventana Sur, y desarrolla su proyecto Solo un Hz tuyo bastará para sanarme. 




Proyecto que desde la performance pone en escena la perspectiva de la neurociencia y el psicoanálisis para comprender cómo lxs seres humanxs somos capaces de crear códigos en ausencia de la palabra en situaciones desesperadas. El relato se construye gracias al archivo audiovisual de entrevistas y ejercicios escénicos participativos, que toman casos en que hemos creado lenguaje en situaciones de censura, guerra, salud, ritos, prisión política, entre otras. El proyecto se encuentra actualmente en su primera etapa de investigación y escritura, que avanzará durante el 2025 en recopilación de archivo, residencias de creación y aperturas de procesos.  


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